Edition 2: Q&A with Nigel Sussman

DRC: Tell us about how you got started. What are some memorable stories about starting out in the Bay Area?

NS: I moved to The Bay to study illustration in early 2000's and finally found my niche shorty after moving to Berkeley in 2015. I replied to a craigslist ad posted by "Telegraph Business Improvement District" and did my first construction facade mural on Telegraph Avenue. This piece started a domino effect that lead to me to me painting thousands of square feet of murals on the streets of Oakland and Berkeley.

DRC: Describe what you'd like to do a perfect sunny day in the bay area?

NS: Ideally I would either be on a hike to the beach with my family, or painting a mural on a wall outside!

DRC: What influenced your style? 

NS: I typically work in a bold isometric line-work style that I have developed over the years. I think that my core style is heavily influenced by children's books, classic video games, and urban environments. Though being an illustrator means I am always being asked to push the limits and boundaries of my influence, which can be really exciting and unexpected.

DRC: Does cannabis help you feel creative? If so how?

NS: Cannabis is an important creative tool for me. A good sativa helps my stamina and focus, allowing me to get lost in the details of dense, complex illustration or painting. 

DRC: What's your stance on public art? 

NS: Lots of diverse public art is one of the best indicators of a healthy society. It means people are free to express themselves and that beauty is valued and accessible to everyone.

DRC: Do you have any thoughts about the artwork going up across the Bay Area in support of the BLM movement?

NS: Public art is a great opportunity to share a message, and I am glad to see so much support for communities that have long deserved increased respect. We need even more!

DRC: What would you like people to know about Nigel the Artist vs Nigel the human?

NS: I don't think there is a delineation between the two... I am creating every chance I get.


Edition 3: Moon Made Farms x Rachel Wolfe Goldsmith


Editon 1: Illuminaries